Submitted by sook on

Cross template

Cross_bims is used to enter data related to a cross that is performed in the breeding program. Users can choose to treat cross_number as a specific parental set, or a specific cross done on a certain date. 

Below are descriptions for each of the columns in cross_bims. Columns with * are required. 

  • site_name: site information where the cross was done. It should match an entry in the site_name column of the site_bims template.
  • * cross_number: ID number or name for a specific cross.
  • mother : name of the seed parent for the cross. It should match an entry in the accession_name column of the accession template or progeny_name in the progeny template.
  • mother_location: location details for the mother of this cross 
  • father: name of the pollen parent for the cross. It should match an entry in the accession_name column of the accession_bims or progeny_name in the progeny_bims.
  • father_location: location details for the father of this cross
  • cross_date: date for the cross
  • comments: any comments on the cross
  • ##property_name: user specified custom columns that should have ## as a prefix. It should match an entry in propery_bims with the type specified as cross.